Topics Map > Graduate Student Tracking System
Topics Map > Degree Completion
GSTS - How to Make Exceptions in the GSTS Advisement Reports
This document provides instructions how to access the the Graduate Student Tracking System (GSTS) Exceptions tool to make exceptions to in the GSTS reports on an individual basis.
- Go to: and use your NetID and password to log into the Student Information System (SIS). Note that you will also be prompted to enter Multi-Factor Authentication.
- Click on the compass icon in the upper right hand corner to open the NavBar.
- Select UW Madison Applications, then Graduate School, and finally click GSTS Authorize Exceptions.
- Once on the GSTS Authorize Exceptions page, click on the Add a New Value tab to make exceptions for students for the first time.
- On the Add a New Value tab enter in the student’s EMPL ID (not the campus ID) or use the magnifying glass to look up a student, and click Add.
- Once on the exceptions page you can open the student’s GSTS advisement report by clicking on the Advisement Report hyperlink.
- Note: If you don’t see report open up the new window right away you may need check the pop-up blockers for your browser to allow the report to open
- Note: If you don’t see report open up the new window right away you may need check the pop-up blockers for your browser to allow the report to open
- Back on the exceptions page use the dropdown menu to select the program for which you want to make an exception. Then click the Add Exception button at the bottom of the page.
- Note: Doctoral minors and graduate / professional certificates will not show up on this list because the specific requirements are not configured in the GSTS reports.
- Note: Doctoral minors and graduate / professional certificates will not show up on this list because the specific requirements are not configured in the GSTS reports.
- Next use the drop down menu to select they exceptions type and click the OK button.
Before making an exception, it is important to understand what type of exceptions are available and how they each function. The table below explains what options are currently available, and once you have identified the type of exception you would like to make you can click on it in the "Exception Type" column to open those specific instructions.
Exception Type |
Technical Description |
Example Scenario |
This type of exception forces a section of the student’s report to count a course that was not originally programmed to count. This includes courses taken at UW-Madison or a generic transfer course. | Could be used in a case when a student gets approval to take one course instead of a different required course. | |
Requirement Change | This type of exception changes the number of credits (units) and/or number of courses that are required for a section of the report. | In a case where students are required to take seminar X times, if a student has a schedule conflict and gets permission to not take seminar that semester you could reduce the total number of seminars required for that student. |
This type of exception completely waives a section of the report so that nothing is required. | In a case where a program has multiple informal tracks, and you want to waive the requirements for the other tracks so that only their specific track is displayed. |