Topics Map > Graduate Student Tracking System

GSTS - Exceptions: Requirement Change

This document goes over how to make requirement change exception in a Graduate Student Tracking System (GSTS) report.


  1. Follow these instructions to navigate to the GSTS Exceptions Tool page in SIS: How to Make Exceptions in the GSTS Advisement Reports
  2. This is the Requirement Change page where you can change the number of credits (units) and/or number of courses that are required for a section of the report. You can ignore the Requirement Change Type section at the top of the page. This will auto populate with correct values as you fill out other fields.

  3. Enter in a description of the exception you are making. Note that anything entered in the Long Description field will show up on the student’s report.

  4. Using the drop down menus indicate the specific section of the report for which you would like to make an exception. As you make your selection the current number of credits and courses required will auto populate.
    Note: It may be helpful to refer to the student’s advisement report for the specific section titles.

  5. Once you have selected the specific section you would like to change indicate the new values in the right hand column.
    Note: Any fields that are left blank will remain the same.

  6. After entering all the information and reviewing things click Save.

  7. When you are returned to the Authorize Student Exceptions page you won’t see any information at first.  Then click the Submit button, to post the exception and it will show up in the list of exceptions.
    Note that other previously submitted exceptions will show up in the list.

  8. To see the exception on the student’s report click on the Advisement Report hyperlink to open a refreshed version of the report in a new window. The new totals should show up in the indicated section along with a hyperlink note.
    Requirement_change_report_before Requirement_change_report_after

  9. Click on the hyperlink note to open a new window with the comment that was entered in the Long Description field on the Requirement Change page.

KeywordsGSTS, graduate student tracking system, academic advisement report, exception, exceptions tool, requirement change, credit change   Doc ID113851
OwnerLorena K.GroupGraduate School
Created2021-09-22 15:25:34Updated2024-01-30 15:27:17
SitesGraduate School
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