Topics Map > Slate (Grad Admissions)

Impersonate applicant

How to impersonate an applicant

Impersonate a prospective student's application

  1. Search for the applicant using Omni Search

  2. Navigate to the Application Tab

  3. Select Impersonate > Applications link, which is located on the right side of the Application Tab

  4. In the window that appears select Open Application (see screenshot below)
    Screenshot of the window that appears when you select to Impersonate an application. It has two buttons: Open Application or Cancel.

  5. At the top of the application in a light gray box, please see the notice that states: "Impersonation Active: You may be able to see data and make changes that the user might not be able to see or do directly. Avoid impersonating multiple records simultaneously in a single browser session."

  6. To exit the impersonation, select the small X on the right side of the "Impersonate Active" notice box, highlighted in the screenshot below.

Impersonation notice that highlights the small X on the right side, which allows you to exit the impersonation.

Impersonate a prospective student's status page

  1. Search for the applicant using Omni Search

  2. Navigate to the Application Tab

  3. Select Impersonate > Status Page link, which is located on the right side of the Application Tab

  4. To exit the impersonation, select the small X on the right side of the "Impersonate Active" notice box, highlighted in the screenshot below. 
    Impersonation notice that highlights the small X on the right side, which allows you to exit the impersonation.

KeywordsSlate impersonate applicant application admission   Doc ID131607
OwnerEric L.GroupGraduate School
Created2023-09-21 12:13:13Updated2023-11-24 15:40:26
SitesGraduate School
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