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G-Code Definitions in SIS: Program/Department Codes

This document provides definitions for the Action Reason Codes (G-Codes) applied by programs/departments throughout the admission cycle.

Program Action in SIS = Defer Decision (DDEF)

G-Code (as it appears in Applicant Review)

G-Code Definition

G60 - Dept Rec-Full Standing Program recommends admission
G61 - Dept Rec-Probation Program recommends admission on probation
G63 - Dept Rec-Master's Only Program recommends admission for master's degree only. This is not a degree level change. If you need to change the applicant from a PHD to a Masters please contact
G65 - Dept Rec-Deficiencies Program recommends admission with deficiencies
G66 - Dept Rec-Probation w/Deficienc Program recommends admission on probation with deficiencies
G80 - Dept Rec-Intl No Aid Program recommends admission without funding
G81 - Dept Rec-Intl Aid Pending Program recommends admission pending funds
G82 - Dept Rec-Intl Yes Aid Program recommends admission with funds
G83 - Request GPA Eval Program requests GPA evaluation from Graduate School (Graduate School evaluates academic records and, on completion, enters G04)

Program Action in SIS = Administrative Withdrawal (WADM)

G-Code (as it appears in Applicant Review)

G-Code Definition

G58 - Department Withdrawal Department withdraws application from one program because the student has been admitted to a different program within the department.

Program Action in SIS = Applicant Withdrawal (WAPP)

G-Code (as it appears in Applicant Review)

G-Code Definition

G50 - Withdrew Before Program Recommendation Applicant contacted program to be withdrawn from consideration before program made recommendation decision
G59 - Applicant Denied Offer Applicant declined offer after being recommended for admission. This code is automatically inserted after an applicant has been recommended by the program, but turns down the offer of admission by selecting "No" on their status page. This code also be added by the program if a student declines an offer of admission to them directly.

Program Action in SIS = Deny (DENY)

G-Code (as it appears in Applicant Review)

G-Code Definition

G90 - Department Refusal Program denies admission and notifies applicant.

KeywordsDepartment action reason codes, SIS, G codes, G-codes, Applicant Review, program   Doc ID35609
OwnerDEBRA K.GroupGraduate School
Created2013-12-04 14:26:56Updated2024-04-02 15:52:09
SitesGraduate School
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