Graduate School Administrative KnowledgeBase

This KnowledgeBase (KB) provides staff and faculty helpful information, guidance and support on various policies, procedures, and administration within the Graduate School.


The Graduate School's front desk at 217 Bascom Hall is staffed Monday through Friday. 

  • Regular Hours:
    9 am - 4 pm (September - April)
  • Summer Hours:
    10 am - 3 pm (May - August)

During these hours, the front desk is open for walk-in visitors and telephone calls (608-262-2433). Inquiries can also be directed to the main email account (

All forms are now all acceptable only through electronic submission. Paper forms should no longer be sent to 217 Bascom. Instructions for electronic submission are available in the Graduate School KnowledgeBase: grade change forms, course change requests, and withdrawals. Degree completion processes are all electronic, including prelim and degree warrants and master’s thesis deposits.

Common Contacts

Our most frequently used service email accounts are:   

For a full list of topics and contacts see: