Results: 1-20 of 42

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Applying to Multiple Programs1429952024-10-1159
2Slate KB Landing Page1315852024-10-114848
3Request a Term Change on behalf of applicant1316092024-10-11531
4Create, edit, and use email templates (snippets)1316202024-10-101334
5Request a custom query from the Graduate School1316162024-10-01601
6Letters of Recommendation1425772024-10-01102
7New Student Application Overview with Screenshots1329142024-09-241014
8Track Your Applicants' Progress Using Homepage Queries1370902024-09-23374
9Withdrawing an application1425142024-09-19134
10Send an email to a group of applicants using Homepage Queries1316192024-09-19765
11Send an email to a single applicant in Outlook and add to applicant's Slate Timeline1316182024-09-19699
12Send an email to a single applicant in Slate1316172024-09-19846
13Downloading PDFs of multiple applications1316152024-09-17926
14Download PDF of an application1316142024-09-17820
15Run and download Homepage Queries1316132024-09-17799
16Impersonate applicant1316072024-09-17755
17Search for an applicant or application1316062024-09-17686
18Set up your profile1315982024-09-17456
19Overview of Slate1315942024-08-201788
20Deadlines in Slate Explained1381052024-08-19295
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