Results: 21-38 of 38

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
21Automated communications sent by the Graduate School1316222023-11-24546
22Send an email to a group of applicants using Homepage Queries1316192023-11-24492
23Send an email to a single applicant in Outlook and add to applicant's Slate Timeline1316182023-11-24453
24Send an email to a single applicant in Slate1316172023-11-24520
25Login and logout1315972023-11-24884
26Report an issue or bug1316232023-11-24366
27Set up your profile1315982023-11-24350
28Download PDF of an application1316142023-11-24452
29Run and download Homepage Queries1316132023-11-24434
30Search for an applicant or application1316062023-11-24515
31Impersonate applicant1316072023-11-24412
32Additional training and help1316242023-09-21393
33Send email with best practices (and avoid spam filters)1316212023-09-21453
34Request a custom query from the Graduate School1316162023-09-21417
35Request a GPA Evaluation1316112023-09-21440
36Request a Program Change on behalf of applicant1316102023-09-21251
37Request a Term Change on behalf of applicant1316092023-09-21433
38Navigate Slate1315992023-09-21358
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