At the January 12, 1998 meeting, the Academic Staff Assembly approved Academic Staff Document #210, titled "School, College, and Division Committees on Academic Staff Issues." This document calls for each school, college, or division of the University of Wisconsin-Madison to establish a committee to advise the VCRGE or Director on issues pertaining to or affecting academic staff members in that unit. The responsibilities, membership guidelines, and procedures for such committees are described in that document and have been incorporated into this document as applicable.
The Committee on Academic Staff Issues (CASI) shall advise the Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Education (VCRGE) on the formulation and review, and shall be represented in the development, of all policies and procedures concerning academic staff members of the OVCRGE (which includes the Graduate School, and VCRGE research centers), including personnel policies and procedures.
Responsibilities of the CASI include but are not limited to:
Represent OVCRGE academic staff in the development and review of all OVCRGE policies and procedures concerning OVCRGE academic staff
Promote a positive climate and enhance an appreciation for diversity among OVCRGE academic staff
Advise the OVCRGE of program decisions likely to affect promotional opportunities or lead to nonrenewal or layoff of OVCRGE academic staff
Recommend opportunities for participation of OVCRGE academic staff in governance
Recommend opportunities for recognition of OVCRGE academic staff contributions to the excellence of the OVCRGE
Recommend mentoring and professional development programs or opportunities for OVCRGE academic staff
Represent the OVCRGE academic staff in communications to the Academic Staff Assembly (ASA) and its Standing Committees, the Academic Staff Executive Committee (ASEC), the Academic Staff Public Representation Organization (ASPRO), other campus committees, and the Secretary of the Academic Staff
Serve as a forum for discussion of the concerns of OVCRGE academic staff.
The OVCRGE CASI shall consist of 12 voting academic staff members, ten of whom will be elected by the OVCRGE’s academic staff and two of whom shall be appointed by the VCRGE. All elected and appointed members must hold at least a 50% appointment with the University and be members of the OVCRGE academic staff.
The VCRGE and the Assistant VCRGE for Human Resources are non-voting members of the CASI. The Committee may recommend to the VCRGE that additional non-voting member(s) be appointed to provide ongoing expertise in any area(s) that it deems necessary.
Terms of Office:
Membership terms shall be three years for each elected position. Terms shall begin on July 1st and end on June 30th. Individuals may serve a maximum of two consecutive 3-year terms, with the exception of mid-term appointees. Mid-term appointees who choose to run for election may serve a maximum of two consecutive terms in addition to the appointed service period. Appointees who do not choose to run for election may serve a maximum of three consecutive years.
Vice Chairs may serve two consecutive 1-year terms. The term shall begin on July 1st and end on June 30th.
Election Processes:
The process of selection shall foster representation of all academic staff within the OVCRGE. The OVCRGE’s appointments shall ensure a broadly representative committee.
Timing. Elections shall be held annually in the spring semester. Approximately one third of the OVCRGE’s appointees shall be made each year.
Slate. The VCRGE or OVCGRE-CASI vice-chair will issue a call for nominations to all OVCRGE academic staff within each district. Individuals may self nominate or be nominated by others. The Nomination Subcommittee will review eligibility of the candidates and develop a slate of nominees. Individuals who self nominate and academic staff members who accept a nomination will submit a brief statement to the Nomination Subcommittee that includes information on the candidate’s background, the interest in/reasons for serving and any other information the candidate would like a voter to have when casting a ballot.
Elections. Uncontested slates do not require an election. Balloting will be done electronically or by campus mail.
Appointed Positions. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the VCRGE within six months of the vacancy.
Elected Positions. Vacancies shall be filled by appointment by the VCRGE or Vice-Chair with the consent of the CASI. Consent will be granted by a simple majority vote of the CASI. These appointees shall serve until the next scheduled election for that district, when they may seek formal election to the CASI. If a position becomes vacant with a term of less than six months, the VCRGE or Vice-Chair may choose not to appoint anyone.
Member Participation:
Abandonment. A OVCRGE CASI position shall be considered abandoned after a sustained period of non-participation, defined as:
Not attending multiple consecutive meetings without communication with the Chair or Vice-Chair
Not attending 30% meetings in a 12-month period without communication with the Chair or Vice-Chair
Leave of Absence. A leave of absence from the committee must be reviewed and approved by the CASI Vice Chair, and requires an interim member if longer than 3 months
Removal. Removal occurs with a majority vote of the CASI body at which time an interim member will be assigned until the next election
Resignation. A member must submit a written resignation to the OVCRGE CASI Vice Chair
The VCRGE or VCRGE’s designee shall chair the Committee. A Vice- Chair shall be elected annually at the first meeting of the committee year. The Vice-Chair shall chair the committee in the absence of the chair. A Vice-Chair pro tem shall be appointed by the Vice-Chair to chair meetings in the absence of the VCRGE and Vice-Chair.
The Committee shall meet at least six times during the committee year.
The Chair will schedule additional meetings of the CASI within a reasonable time if requested to do so by at least one-third of Committee.
Agendas: The preparation of the meeting agenda will be the responsibility of the Chair or the designee, in consultation with the Vice-Chair. Members of the CASI may submit items for the agenda anytime prior to 48 hours before a scheduled meeting.
Minutes - Minutes will be prepared for each meeting. The responsibility for keeping the minutes will be decided at the first meeting of each committee year. Minutes will be distributed to the full Committee with the agenda for the next meeting. The minutes from the previous meeting are accepted or modified at the beginning of each meeting of the Committee. If the meeting lacks a quorum, the minute taker will distribute the minutes electronically. Each voting member of the committee will then approve or modify the minutes electronically. Approved minutes shall be available publicly.
Quorum, Voting - A quorum is simple majority of serving members. A vote may not be taken without a quorum present.
Annual reports – At the end of each committee year, the Committee will prepare a report summarizing its activities for that year. The report shall include a list of the Committee membership, and be available publicly. A written copy shall be available upon request. A copy shall be sent to the Secretary of the Academic Staff.
Records of the committee - The committee records will reside with the OVCRGE.
Self-study - At intervals not to exceed five years, the members of the CASI shall review its structure and functions to assess the CASI's effectiveness as a voice for OVCRGE academic staff and its compliance with Academic Staff Policies and Procedures. The CASI shall submit the self-study report to the VCRGE and to the Academic Staff Executive Committee, and make it available to the academic staff of the OVCRGE.
Standing subcommittees - The following subcommittees are established in accordance with these bylaws of the OVCRGE-CASI. The membership and appointments to these committees rests with the CASI. A member of the CASI shall chair each subcommittee, but the membership may include OVCRGE academic staff who are not members of the current CASI.
Professional Development & Recognition - This standing subcommittee will be responsible for recommending strategies for the professional development and recognition for academic staff within the OVCRGE. Developing and managing a mentoring program for new academic staff in the OVCRGE is included within the scope of this subcommittee.
Communications - This standing subcommittee will be responsible for establishing and monitoring the efforts to maintain communication with OVCRGE academic staff and with academic staff committees external to the OVCRGE. These efforts could include managing a website and preparing the annual report.
Nominations & Districting - This subcommittee is responsible for ensuring that academic staff positions for membership on the CASI, membership on CASI subcommittees, and appointments to other committees within the OVCRGE have qualified nominees. This subcommittee is also responsible for assigning the academic staff of the OVCRGE to the CASI election districts so as to ensure fair and sensible representation of all OVCRGE academic staff on the CASI. Appendix A describes the initial district assignments of April 2003.
Personnel Policies & Procedures - This subcommittee is responsible for monitoring the personnel policies and procedures of the OVCRGE for compliance with Academic Staff Policies and Procedures.
Ad hoc - The CASI will employ ad hoc subcommittees to address specific issues of interest to the academic staff of the OVCRGE.
Any revision or amendment to the bylaws will require a majority of the voting members serving at the time of the vote.
Proposed bylaw changes shall be circulated to all CASI members a minimum of 14 days prior to a meeting.
The bylaws and any subsequent changes will be filed with the secretary of the academic staff and made available to academic staff upon request.