Results: 1-20 of 124

No.Document TitleIDUpdatedViews
1Academic Staff with Permanent PI Status356832025-01-1716698
2Conflict of Interest Training Course329862024-12-1144462
3Individual Conflict of Interest: Whom to Contact for Assistance328812024-12-1121242
4Mentor and Trainee Responsibilities333922024-12-026964
5Sub-recipients for PHS Funded Research355382024-10-249844
6Recruitment of Research Participants Guidance295602024-10-1816777
7ED/SBS IRB Principal Investigator Responsibilities557692024-10-185684
8Contact Information for Reporting Suggestions and Concerns568892024-10-188891
9Reporting of Suggestions and Concerns Regarding HRPP Performance and Function557992024-10-186343
10Use of Human Fetal Tissue in Research289972024-10-1811653
11Unanticipated Problems295062024-10-189739
12Suspension and Termination of Approved Research295222024-10-188656
13Study Closure506222024-10-189823
14Student Research291682024-10-189430
15Research with Adult Participants Lacking Capacity to Consent295452024-10-1812350
16Reporting of Suggestions and Concerns Regarding the Protection of Research Participants292312024-10-188066
17Protecting Research Participants Privacy Interests and Confidentiality of Data295612024-10-1822291
18Principal Investigator Status for UW–Madison Studies Involving Human Participants295572024-10-1817993
20Obtaining and Documenting Informed Consent297622024-10-1813060
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