UW-Madison Remote Desktop Service - Requesting New Software

This document explains how to request new software for inclusion on the Remote Desktop Service.

Note: Changes to the Remote Desktop Service are subject to a change approval process and must be performed during regular maintenance windows. Additionally, any potential new software must be evaluated thoroughly to identify any potential security or licensing issues, assure compatibility with software already available through the Remote Desktop Service, consider any ongoing maintenance tasks that may be required to keep the new software performing as intended, and other prerequisites. Performing this testing takes time, as we must ensure that the Remote Desktop Service environment remains clean and stable for our users. Please include these considerations when requesting software and plan for a minimum turnaround time of 7-10 business days from the initial request.

Requesting New Software for the Remote Desktop Service

  1. Send an e-mail to support@doit.wisc.edu with the following details:
    • Subject: Remote Desktop Service - New Software Request
    • Software details: Name of software, vendor, and link to software download or purchase page
    • Function: Is this standalone software, or does it integrate with something else? Is the application with which this new software integrates already installed?
    • Business case: What is the business need for this software? Are there any alternatives to using this specific software?
    • User base: How many users does this software request cover? Are you requesting the software for one person, an entire department, or several departments?
  2. DoIT Help Desk staff will create a WiscIT incident for the new software request and escalate it to Remote Desktop Service support staff
  3. Remote Desktop Service support staff will evaluate the request. If installation is appropriate for the service, change management requests will be created and the new software will be installed and tested in the Remote Desktop Service environment during the approved change window.
  4. Remote Desktop Service support staff will communicate the results with the original requester and let them know whether the software is available.

waf windows access facility remote desktop service rds install applications apps
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Jon D. in DoIT Departmental Support
DoIT Contract Partner Support Help Desk, DoIT Departmental Support, DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff