FP&M Shared Access Computer Kiosks - Screen Reader Accessible

English instructions to use the FP&M shared access computers.

Turn on and Log into the computer

  1. Turn on the computer by pushing the power button on the bottom right corner of the monitor.
  2. Move the mouse, left click (click), or press any keyboard key to turn the screen on.
  3. Press the space bar on the keyboard or click to see the boxes for your user name and password on the sign in screen.
  4. Click on the user name box and type your NetID.
    • Note: your user name you use to login to university services.
  5. Click on the password box and type your password.
    • Note: if you do not know your NetID and/or your password, contact the DoIT Help Desk by calling 608-265-6900.
  6. Click the arrow next to the password box or press the Enter key on the keyboard to sign in.
  7. You will now see the desktop screen.

 Congratulations! You successfully logged into a campus computer.

Getting to MyUW

  1. Click on the Search box on the bottom left corner of your desktop screen. Type the word edge.
  2. Click on the blue icon of the Microsoft Edge. 
  3. Once Microsoft Edge is open, click on the address bar at the top of the screen. You can type Websites here.
  4. Type wisc.edu and press the Enter key.
  5. You will see the University of Wisconsin-Madison homepage. Click the MyUW button on top of the screen.
  6. Click the MyUW Home option.
  7. You will now see a login page where you will type your NetID and password.
  8. Click on the box with the label Ex: bbadger, then type your NetID.
  9. Click on the second box below the Password label and type your password.
  10. Click the red Log In button.
  11. Use your phone or Duo device to approve your login.

 You should now see your personal MyUW Homepage!

Privacy Statement

 At the University of Wisconsin, we take the privacy and security of users' data very seriously. When you log in to a campus computer your profile data is only accessible to you, the logged-in user. No other users or the same computer or on the network will be able to access your profile data without your explicit permission.
 In addition, please be aware that only employees of the Division of Information Technology (DoIT) at the University of Wisconsin-Madison are authorized to perform administrative functions on the computer and access all data on it. No other employees at the University of Wisconsin, including faculty and staff members, have access to perform administrative functions or access all data on the computer.

FPM FP&M Shared Access Computers Computer Kiosk Kiosks Screen Reader Accessible
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Atlas F. in DoIT Departmental Support
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