SIS - Dean's Term Credit Override
Various offices have the ability to override pre-established maximum enrollment limits for a student in Fall, Spring, or Summer terms, as well as change minimum enrollment limits.
The Term Credit Override page is used to do this.
Credit overloads for specific sessions in Summer terms may not be done on this page. The overload course for the session should be added via the Course Change Request page.
IMPORTANT: When overriding credits for the summer term, please be aware that you are also allowing an override for each session within that summer term as well!
Tips When Using Term Credit Override
- Verify that you are changing limits for the correct Academic Career and Term.
- The Athletic Department, Graduate School, Office of International Student Services, Medical School, and Army-ROTC use the Min Total Units field. The Min Total Units field should not be updated by any other office.
- SR_UDEAN is the authorization code or security access class for this page.
Granting a Term Credit Override
To give a student permission to override their credit limit to a new maximum or minimum, follow the steps below.
Step 1
From Home, select Student Records WorkCenter, |Dean/Dept Processing|, Term Credit Override. You will see the "Find" page displayed.
- Tip: Menu Navigation: > Records and Enrollment > Dean/Dept Processing > Term Credit Override
Step 2
Use the "Find" page to locate the student requesting an override in term credits. You can search by Campus ID or first and last name.
Step 3
Find the correct Academic Career and Term for which the credit override should be applied.
- Tip: Use the "View All" option to make sure you're applying the credit override to the student’s correct Academic Career and Term.
Step 4
Select to check the "Override Unit Limits" checkbox. The fields below will be activated and the credit maximums (and minimums, if exist), as determined by the Primary Academic Program, will display in the unit fields.
- Tip: If at any time you want to reset the maximums/minimums to the default levels, uncheck the "Override Unit Limits" checkbox.
Step 5
If you need to set:
- Maximum Credit Load:
- Change the "Max Total Units" field to equal the new credit maximum. Maximum units are effective immediately upon save.
- Select the "Academic Dean" button.
- Minimum Credit Load:
- Enter or change the "Min Total Units" field to the minimum number of credits for which this student must be enrolled. Minimum units are effective as of the first day of classes. This field should not be set prior to that date.
- Select the appropriate button on the right.
- Notes: The "Min Total Units" field is normally ONLY used by the Athletic Department, Graduate School, Office of International Student Services, Medical School, and Army-ROTC. These are normally the ONLY units that should alter this field.
Step 6
Select "Save" to save the credit override.
Term Credit Override Page Field Descriptions
The list below describes the fields found on the Term Credit Override page.
- Name: A student’s name (last name, first name).
- ID: A number generated by the student system. It is a unique identifier for a student and will remain the same throughout the individual’s relationship with the university. This is different than the Campus ID number.
- Campus ID: The ten-digit number assigned to student upon first contact with UW–Madison.
- Academic Career: The type of degree a student is pursuing. All students belong to an academic career: Undergraduate, Graduate, Law, Medical, Pharmacy, Vetmed, Univ Special Students, Nonstandard.
- Academic Institution: At UW–Madison, this field always displays UW–Madison.
- Term: A Term is a calendar-defined length of time. At UW–Madison, terms are Fall, Spring, and Summer.
- Primary Academic Group: A student’s primary academic program for this term.
- Academic Group: An Academic Group of a student’s academic program.
- Approved Academic Load: The Academic Load approved for this term (e.g., full-time, part-time).
- Override Unit Limits: If unchecked, the student has not been given permission to override credit load. If checked, the student has been given permission to override credit load. See fields below for unit load approved.
- Max Total Units: The maximum number of credits in which a student can enroll.
- Min Total Units: The minimum number of credits in which a student must be enrolled.
- Authorizing Offices: The office that authorized the override is selected (e.g. Academic Dean, Athlete, ISS-SEVIS, ROTC).