LastPass - How Do I Get LastPass to Auto-Fill the Right Credentials (Add Sub-Domains)?

How to add sub-domains (e.g. is a sub-domain of to your LastPass URL rules to help ensure that LastPass auto-fills the right credentials.
1. Go your LastPass Vault.

Open LastPass Vault from the Browser Extension menu

2. Click on the Account Settings (Gear icon) in the lower-left corner of the Vault.

LastPass Account Settings

3. Navigate to the URL Rules tab and Click Add.

Add URL Rule in LastPass

4. Add the sub-domain to the list.

Add a Sub-Domain to the URL Rules

You also have the option of adding the hostname of a server/site or the full URL path to a website for more specific matching. In the case of the full URL path, this could help prevent phishing attacks, because LastPass will only auto-fill on an exact match. Spoofed (faked) URLs will not be an exact match.

Additional Resources:

For more information on using LastPass for URL, hostname, and/or port matching, refer to the LastPass (LogMeIn) article: Manage Your URL Rules in LastPass.

For more information on using URL rules in LastPass to disable auto-fill for certain sites, refer to the LastPass (LogMeIn) article: Manage Never URLs.

KeywordsLastPass Lastpass lastPass Last Pass lastpass last pass password manager Enterprise enterprise account faculty staff employee Premium premium student auto-fill auto fill URL url matching rule rules   Doc ID107867
OwnerPeter V.GroupCybersecurity
Created2020-12-15 12:42:52Updated2022-01-12 09:20:55
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Office of Cybersecurity
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