MFA Duo Accessibility and Usability Information

This document summarizes the accessibility and usability barriers identified during testing as well as how to get help.

UW–Madison’s Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) project is the university-wide implementation of an additional verification step in the NetID login process. Users have the choice to log in with Duo mobile app, the Feitian OTP c100 Token Fob, the Duo Token Fob, or the Feitian FIDO ePass Security Key (dual programmed with OTP). These device options were vetted for digital and form-factor accessibility.

Get help

Contact the DoIT Help Desk for general assistance or to report an accessibility or usability barrier.

Accessibility and usability barriers

The following information is provided to help people with disabilities know what potential barriers may exist.

Screen reader barriers make navigation difficult for people with vision disabilities

While navigating the “add a device” modal with a screen reader and keyboard, the tab order does not follow the logical and sequential order of the page. For example, the screen reader incorrectly places focus on the form field for the phone number before announcing the form field title.

The language is unspecified on the site. When the language of a web page or app is identified, users with disabilities will be better able to understand the content.

Heading level 1 content is missing on most pages, however a small focus indicator appears where the hidden content is positioned. This could confuse some users with low vision.

A user’s current device is mislabeled as an “article.” Landmarks, such as this, must programmatically and accurately identify sections of a page and be announced through a screen reader to help orient users to a page and help them navigate it easily.

Keywordsmulti-factor, dual-factor, MFA Duo, duo mobile, usability, accessibility, screen reader   Doc ID115272
OwnerLeah B.GroupIT Accessibility and Usability
Created2021-12-15 17:00:19Updated2024-11-07 15:47:39
SitesDoIT Help Desk, IT Accessibility and Usability
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