Topics Map > Office 365

Directory Search (Mac) - Configuring Thunderbird for White Pages

This service can be used to lookup e-mail addresses based on names as they appear in the University Directory Search.

Configuring Thunderbird

  1. Open Thunderbird.
  2. Go to Thunderbird -> Preferences....
  3. Select Composition -> Addressing (Tab).
  4. Check the option Directory Server and click Edit Directories.

    Composition - addressing tab menu

  5. Click Add button. A new window should appear.
  6. Enter the following:

    • Name: Directory Search
    • Hostname:
    • Base DN: dc=wisc,dc=edu
    • Port Number:389

      Note: SSL does not need to be checked, Authentication should be set to "None" and User name and Password need not be entered.

  7. LDAP server settings menu
  8. Click OK.
  9. Click OK.
  10. On the "Composition" screen, make sure you have selected Directory Searchfrom within 'Directory Server' select box.

    composition - addressing tab - directory selection screen

    Close the Composition pane by clicking on the red close button in the upper left hand corner.
  11. Thunderbird is now configured to use the NIDU (formerly LDAP) server.

In some instances, you may experience problems with auto-completion. If so, please review the following document:

microsoft office365 o365 whitepages directory Services ldap nidu address book wiscmail email configure configuring wiscmailThunderbirddisclaimer people directory search 
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