Security - How to Report Stolen Computers and Equipment

This document explains how to report stolen computers and equipment, and what DoIT might be able to do to track it down.

If your personal or departmental computer is stolen on campus

Report the theft to UW Police (608-264-2677). Important information to tell the police includes:

The police department will file a report about the theft, and work with the Office of Cybersecurity, as appropriate.

If a serial number for the stolen device is given to UWPD, the serial number is reported to the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) ( Thus, law enforcement agencies with access to NCIC can check to learn if acquired property is stolen and return.

If your personal or departmental computer is stolen off campus

Computers that are stolen off campus (apartment, restaurant, house, etc.) should be reported to the police.

Departmental only: If your computer had sensitive data on it, please report the theft to UW Police, in addition to the local police department.

security badgirt uw police uwpolice report stolen computer equipment laptop ocis security breach "Office of Cybersecurity" "Office of Cyber Security" "Cybersecurity" cyber office 
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