SIS - Password Reset, Expiration, Temporary Password, or Forgotten Password

This document explains what needs to be done if a SIS user wants or needs to change their password.

This applies only to users who use a three-character user ID or accounts starting with SIS- followed by NetID. It does not apply to users who log in to SIS using their NetID.

Password Reset

  1. Log in to SIS.
  2. Navigate to Change My Password.
    Select the Nav Bar > Navigator > Change My Password. The Change Password page displays.
  3. Enter your Current Password.
  4. Enter your New Password using SIS - Password Rules.
  5. Re-enter your new password in Confirm Password.
  6. Select [Change Password].
  7. At the "Your password has successfully been changed" message, select [OK].
  8. Your password has now been updated, and you are brought back to the Change Password screen.
    To return to your main menu, select the Home image.
    To sign out, select the three vertical dots, and select Sign Out.
    image of Change Password with Home and Sign Out

Password Will Expire

When you log in to SIS, if you receive a message that "Your password will expire in X day," your password is going to expire within 14 days. Follow this procedure to change your password now to avoid complications.

  1. Log into SIS.
  2. When this message displays: "Your password will expire in ## days. Would you like to change your password now?" select Yes.     
  3. Enter your Current Password.
  4. Enter your New Password using SIS - Password Rules.
  5. Re-enter your new password in Confirm Password.
  6. Select [Change Password].
  7. At the "Your password has successfully been changed" message, select [OK].
  8. Your password has now been updated, and you are brought back to the Change Password screen.
    To return to your main menu, select the Home image.
    To sign out, select the three vertical dots, and select Sign Out.
    image of Change Password with Home and Sign Out

Password Has Expired or Change Temporary Password

When you log in to SIS, if you receive a message that "Your password has expired," you must change your password to access SIS. Follow this procedure to change your password.

  1. Log in to SIS
  2. When the "Your password has expired" message is displayed, select Click here to change your password.
  3. Enter your Current Password.
  4. Enter your New Password using SIS - Password Rules.
  5. Re-enter your new password in Confirm Password.
  6. Select [Change Password].
  7. At the "Your password has successfully been changed" message, select [OK].
  8. Your password has now been updated and you are brought back to the Change Password screen. Close your SIS browser window.
  9. Open your browser & log into SIS again: Enter your User ID, enter the Password you just set, and select Sign In.

Note: Every time you request a password reset, you will have to follow this procedure of changing your password, logging out, and then logging in. You will be forced to change the password before you can do anything else.

Third-Party Browser Extension Turnoff in Internet Explorer

  1. Select the Tools menu.
  2. Select Internet Options.

    view of the internet options menu item

  3. Select the Advanced tab.
  4. Uncheck "Enable third party browser extensions."

    view of the add/remove content function

  5. Select [OK].
  6. Close all instances of Internet Explorer and relaunch the program.

Keywordspermission, sis (SIS)   Doc ID3063
OwnerKim A.GroupOffice of the Registrar
Created2004-07-26 19:00:00Updated2024-04-05 09:17:58
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Office of the Registrar
Feedback  6   16