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Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web | Outlook for Windows/MacOS) - View/Track Attendee Responses

When you create a meeting and invite people, you are a meeting organizer. As a meeting organizer, you can find out which attendees have accepted or declined your meeting request. You can also see who has not yet responded.


  • Any other user who has been granted full calendar details to the organizer's calendar will be able to view the status of attendees within any event.
  • If you are an attendee, you will also have the ability to view the responses of other attendees using the instructions below.
  • There is no way to view (date/time) when an attendee responded. The only option the organizer of the meeting has is to save the email notification received for each attendee.
  • If the meeting was created in a secondary calendar of any account (and not the primary calendar), tracking of attendee information will not be available. You must create the meeting within the primary calendar for tracking to work.

Outlook on the web

  1. Log into Outlook on the web.
  2. Go to Calendar.
  3. Locate and open a meeting.
  4. Attendee responses are visible within this window.

Outlook for Windows

New and Classic Outlook

    1. Open Outlook.
    2. Go to "Calendar".
    3. Locate and open a meeting.
    4. At the top left area of the meeting window, you will see attendee responses:

      attendee responses

    5. To view specific responses, click Tracking menu option.
      • The Tracking menu selection will not be visible unless you are the meeting organizer. If you are an invitee or if you are looking at an appointment rather than a meeting, you will not see the Tracking option.

    Note: Unfortunately, when you look at the View Tracking Status tab, you'll see the responses shown as a table, but unfortunately it's not possible to sort or filter that list - so quickly picking out everyone who hasn't responded from a long list of invited people isn't so easy. Use these instructions to sort/filter the responses.

    Outlook for Mac

    1. Open Outlook.
    2. Go to "Calendar".
    3. Locate and open a meeting.
    4. Click Scheduling button within the ribbon.
    5. Attendee responses will be located next to each attendee.

    More Information

    When an attendee receives a meeting invitation, there are three options for accepting, tentatively accepting, or declining the invite. The three options are as follows:

    • Edit the Response Before Sending
    • Send the Response Now
    • Do Not Send a Response

    microsoft office o365 m365 microsoft 365 emails calendars contacts invites invitations attendees status accepted declined respond accept decline outlook 2016 2019 proplus mac windows on the web proplus subscription mac windows outlook on the web owa 
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    DoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365