ECMS - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Administration - Management Console
Imaging - Perceptive Content Fundamentals - Administration - Management Console
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Perceptive Content Fundamentals
Perceptive Content Management Console
The Content Management Console enables you to configure system users and functionality. This functionality includes setting up addresses and annotations to views and workflow processes, as shown in the following table. You must have the proper security privileges to access these areas of functionality. In addition, some of this functionality requires specific licensing. For information about purchasing additional functionality, contact your Perceptive Software representative.
The Management Console title bar displays your profile name and ID. This is convenient for tracking when you are testing changes between environments, such as a test environment and a production environment.
Function | Description |
Address | Book The Address Book enables you to manage fax numbers used by Fax Agent. For more information, refer to About administering faxing addresses. |
Annotations | You can create and manage annotation types and templates that lmageNow users can use to mark up and comment on a document object without affecting the original image. For more information about annotations. refer to What is an annotation template? |
Application Plans | In LearnMode, you can use application plans to capture the data from your business application screen to create document keys. For more information about LearnMode and application plans, refer to What is an application plan? |
Auditing | You can use audit logs to troubleshoot issues or track the actions taken in lmageNow by specific users or groups. For more information about audit logs. refer to About auditing. |
Capture | You can use Capture to generate documents from images captured through the following server-side capture methods: Import Agent, Fax Agent, and SAP ArchiveLink. |
Diagnostics | Diagnostics enables you to track performance and View and export technical information about your lmageNow Sewer. For more information about diagnostics, refer to About lmageNow Client performance reporting and About lmageNow Server technical information. |
Client Performance | You can track the performance of lmageNow clients from the end user perspective. For more information about tracking client performance, refer to About lmageNow Client performance reporting. |
Custom Properties | You can create and manage custom property fields that end~users populate with data relating to an lmageNow document or folder. For more information about custom properties. refer to About administering custom properties. |
Digitat Signatures | You can use digital signatures to provide electronic certification of an lmageNow document's authenticity, data integrity. non-repudiation. and confidentiality. For more information about managing digital signatures. refer to About administering digital signatures. |
Document Types | Document type is a document key that categorizes a document according to a predefined list of values. You can organize document types into document type lists to provide users with the document types they need. For more information about document types and managing document type lists, refer to About document types and document type lists. |
Drawers | Drawers enable you to manage how documents and folders are organized. For more information about drawers, refer to About drawers. |
Envoy Services | Envoy enables you to facilitate automated, back-end integration with your business applications. For more information about Envoy, refer to What is lmageNow Envoy? |
Forms | You can use Forms to manage electronic forms to capture data associated with lmageNow documents, folders. and folder types. For more information about lmageNow Forms, refer to About administering forms. |
Groups | In Groups, you can create groups and set group security. For more information about managing groups. refer to About groups. |
Migration | Migration enables you to migrate components within lmageNow to different environments. For more information about migration. refer to What is migration? |
Out of Office | You can use Out of Office to manage users' availability to process documents. For more information about Out of Office, refer to About administering Out of Office. |
Output Profiles | You can use output profiles to save output packaging configuration settings for reuse, For more information about managing output profiles, refer to What is an output profile? |
Folder Types | You can use folders to group related documents and folders independently from their indexing values. Folder types enable you to manage classes of folders. For more information about folder types. refer to About folders and folder types. |
Relationships | Related views allow users to view documents that relate with respect to the conditions you define for the related view. For more information about managing related views. refer to Administering related views. |
Reports | in Reports. you can set privileges for Business Insight reports. create new reports. and define schedules for reports. For more information about Business insight, refer to About administering Business lnsight reports. |
Retention Poicy Manager | In Retention, you can create retention policies, holds. and physical le templates. For more information about Retention Policy Manager. refer to About Retention Policy Manager. |
Tasks | In Tasks, you can create task templates that define the behavior of tasks in lmageNow. For more information about tasks, refer to About administering tasks. |
Users | In Users. you can manage the importing of users, privileges assigned to users, and user profiles. For more information about managing users and privileges, refer to "About users." "About the privilege hierarchy," and "Privilege definitions." |
Views | You can define how lmageNow selects and displays sets of documents or folders according to the view definition that you create for your users. For more information about creating views, refer to About administering views. |
Workflow | Workflow lets you automate business processes and create review cycles. Using Workflow Designer, you can manage workflow processes. For more information about workflow, refer to Administering workflow processes. |