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MyUW - Using the Bookmarks Module

The My Bookmarks app allows a MyUW user to store internet site links in MyUW. These links are available from any computer that can access MyUW.

Attention Universities of Wisconsin Employees: If you no longer have access to MyUW after recent changes to the portal, your Bookmarks module is currently unavailable. The MyUW team is exploring how to export data for former users. Thank you for your patience — updates will be provided soon.

Need Immediate Assistance? If you have lost access and need help finding a bookmarked campus resource, please submit a support request to the UW Shared Services Service Operations team. They may be able to assist you with locating and bookmarking important sites for future use.

Access the My Bookmarks Module

The My Bookmarks module can be found by searching for "My Bookmarks" on the MyUW Homepage

The module can be launched from the search results page and added to the MyUW Homepage for easier access. 

Select the 'Add to Home` button from the search results screen for the My Bookmark module

My Bookmarks module shown on the homepage of MyUW

Add Bookmarks

To add a bookmark, click Add Bookmark within the My Bookmarks module.

Enter the name of the bookmark, the URL of the website, and any comments you may have on the site (optional). You may also select a folder in which to add the bookmark. 

Click Save when finished.

Adding Name, URL, and Note to new bookmark entry

Note: Bookmarks appear with a green bookmark icon next to them.

Add Folders

Click Add Folder within the My Bookmarks module.

Enter the name of the folder, any notes for the folder, and use the Create in folder drop down box to create nested folders. 

Click Save when finished.

Entering Name and Note for new Folder entry

Note: Folders appear with a folder icon next to them.

When editing or creating new bookmarks, you can organize bookmarks into folders. 

Using Move To Folder dropdown menu to organize new bookmark into an existing folder

Folder Options

Use the Options link in the My Bookmarks module to choose if folders should default to open, closed, or stay how you leave them.

Folder Edit Mode with options for how folders should display (open, closed, or how you left them) when opening My Bookmarks app

Edit or Delete Bookmarks and Folders

Click the pencil icon next to a folder or bookmark to edit the name, URL, or location of the folder or bookmark.

Click the "X" icon next to the folder or bookmark to delete the folder or bookmark.

List of bookmarks with green pencil (Edit) and red X (delete) icons

Note: Deleting a folder deletes all bookmarks and other folders contained within that folder. These cannot be restored.

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Amanda M. in MyUW Madison
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