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Microsoft 365 (Outlook for Android) - Sorting/Filtering messages using the Focused Inbox feature

This document will provide you step-by-step instructions on how to filter/sort messages using Outlook for Android.

Focused Inbox intelligently presorts your email so you can focus on what matters. It places your most important email in "Focused" and the rest in "Other". Focused Inbox works across all your email accounts, personal and professional.

Outlook for Android provides some options for sorting messages. These include the focused inbox and filters for unread messages, flagged messages, and attachments.

  • Focused: This is an automatic filter that Microsoft designed to pick out your most important inbox messages. Everything usually in your inbox that is not in the focused inbox will be in Other. Learn more.

  • Filters/sorting: Filters allow you to sort your inbox in several different ways: Unread emails | Flagged/Starred emails | Emails with Attachments. Learn more.

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