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WiscWeb - Image Gallery Page Element

This document will walk you through adding an Image Gallery to your page in the WordPress UW Theme. You can see an example on the UW Theme website.

Purpose and use

The Image Gallery Page Element allows you to display a series of images in an organized gallery. The gallery has four columns, and displays thumbnails of larger images in the gallery. Users can click on an image to see a larger version of that image in a slideshow. The slideshow also allows them to browse the other images in the gallery one at a time using navigation.\

If possible, all images should be the same size (height x width). The UW Theme will attempt to auto-format any images that differ in size, but results are not guaranteed.

Adding an Image Gallery

  1. Navigate to the page on which you want to add an Image Gallery.
  2. Scroll to the Primary Content Area and the Layout on which you want to add an Image Gallery.
  3. At the bottom of the Layout, click on Add Page Element.
  4. On the Page Element list, click on Image Gallery.

Adding content to your Image Gallery

Once you've added the Image Gallery, it will appear with only a few options in your content layout.

image gallery page element is visible with no options selected

  • Add to Gallery: This button will take you to the Media Library where you can select images to add to your Image Gallery. To select an image to add, simply click on it and a checkmark will appear. You can select multiple images by click on each of them. Once you are finished, click Select in the lower-right corner.

  • Bulk Actions: The options in this menu allow you to do some fast sorting of your Image Gallery. You can sort by date uploaded, date modified, title, or reverse the current order.

You can also rearrange the images after they have been added to the Image Gallery by dragging and dropping them to their new location in the gallery.

Image display properties

Images that display in the Image Galleries will have text from the image display in two areas.

  • Title: The title for the image will display on the Image Gallery main page. If you do not enter a title manually, the file name is used.

  • Caption: The caption appears when a user clicks on an image to view it in a slideshow.

You can learn how to edit these fields in the "Working in Grid View" section of WiscWeb - Using Media Library to add images or documents.

Image size recommendations

Can change based on your design preferences

Note: Images will resize based on number of columns chosen. Images will appear full sized when clicked.

picture rows table gallery images thumbnail add picture media 
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Matt G. in WiscWeb
DoIT Help Desk, WiscWeb