Problems Logging Into the DOA Fleet Management Website
Authorized drivers need to fill out the vehicle use authorization form (VUA) on the DOA's website, Enterprise Fleet Management System. This resource should be used when someone is having an issue logging into the system.
UW-Madison Risk Management
Background information on driver authorization can be found at the Risk Management website at:
The Login Process
- go to the DOA Enterprise Fleet Management System at
- click on the "Select type of employee" field
- click UW from the drop down menu
- click the Login button
- on the next screen, click on the "UW Campus" field
- click UW MADISON from the drop down menu
- click the Login button
- You should be prompted for your NetID and password
Successful Login
The following home page should be displayed after a successful login.
Possible Error
If you see a session error, try clicking the "click here" to reload the page