Webex Meeting: Lock or Unlock your Personal Room

Lock your Webex scheduled and Personal Room meetings to keep uninvited people from joining. If you don't lock your Personal Room, anyone can enter it with your Personal Room URL. Automatically locking scheduled meetings is available on WBS40.9 and later sites.
Lock Meeting

Locking meetings helps keep them secure by making sure no one joins who isn't supposed to. When you lock your meeting, it prevents more attendees from joining until you admit them. You can lock or unlock the meeting at any time while the session is in progress. If you have back-to-back meetings or need privacy in your Personal Room, lock the room.

When the meeting is locked:

  • No one can enter the meeting until you unlock it.

  • You see a list of all attendees waiting in the lobby. The list indicates who has logged in and who hasn’t. You can choose who to allow into the meeting.

  • Anyone who already joined the meeting, including the host, can't call in to connect to the meeting audio. They can still use their computer for audio, or have the meeting call them.

Lock or Unlock Your Meeting

During a meeting, go to More options Settings in the meeting controls, and then click the slider next to Lock meeting to lock or unlock your meeting.

Signed-in users in your organization can always join unlocked meetings without having to wait in the lobby.

For unauthenticated users, default site settings for unlocked meetings may allow guests to join directly, allow guests to wait in the lobby until admitted, or prevent guests from joining at all.

You can set your own settings while scheduling a meeting from your site, or from Personal Room preferences for meetings in your room.

Automatically Lock Your Scheduled Meeting

You can set your locked meeting options while scheduling your meeting. Choose the guest behavior for joining the meeting, and choose whether to automatically lock the meeting after it starts. You can choose from 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes. By default, the meeting locks after 10 minutes.

Automatically Lock Your Personal Room

You can set an option in your Personal Room preferences to automatically lock your room after it starts. You can choose from 0, 5, 10, 15, or 20 minutes. By default, your Personal Room locks after 10 minutes.


Go to Settings > Meetings > My Personal Room.


Move the slider next to Auto lock, and then choose how many minutes you want before your Personal Room locks.

This is a Cisco product- for more information see https://help.webex.com

Webex, Webex Meeting, Cisco, lock, locking, unlock, personal room, security, prevent 
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Shawn T. in Cisco Webex
Cisco Webex, DoIT Help Desk