Bucky Backup (Linux) - Changing a Bucky Backup Node Password

This document explains how to change the password of a Bucky Backup linux node. If you need to have a Bucky Backup node password reset, contact the DoIT Help Desk.

A Bucky Backup node password can be up to 63 characters in length, is case sensitive, and can be comprised of the following characters:

Character Description
A-Z Any letter; A through Z, upper or lower case
0-9 Any number; 0 through 9

. ! @ # $ % ^ & * _ - + = ` ( ) | { } [ ] : ; < > , ? / ~

Special Characters

Note: It is recommended that you set a password that is at least eight characters in length and contains at least one letter, one number, and one special character to comply with the UW-Madison - IT - Password Standard.

Changing a Bucky Backup Node Password

  1. Enter "sudo dsmc" from a shell prompt to start an interactive TSM command session.
  2. Enter "set password" at the tsm> prompt.
  3. Follow the password change instructions.
  4. Enter quit at the tsm> prompt to return to the System Console.
  5. Restart the client scheduler - refer to Bucky Backup (Linux) - Stopping and Starting the Client Scheduler for instructions.

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Owned by:
Kevin K. in Bucky Backup
Bucky Backup, DoIT Help Desk, DoIT Staff