Topics Map > Multi-Factor Authentication
MFA-Duo - Token Procurement Process
*The Duo phone app is still the preferred and most convenient method.*
HR Representatives by Phone:
HR calls the Help Desk (HD) to request Duo tokens for pickup or campus delivery.
Pickup: HD agents will set aside the requested number (up to 50) and have them ready for the HR person within 30 minutes of the call. Requests of more than 50 require an inventory review to ensure continuous availability to campus.
Delivery: HD agent will take the request and fill out a campus-mail delivery envelope. They will then take the necessary inventory of tokens down to the DoIT mailroom for delivery anywhere on campus at no charge. (This process will be reviewed after an initial pilot phase and may change internally to increase efficiency.)
Note: Tokens are not available through Ecommerce due to system limitations.
Individuals (Faculty and Staff):
The first point of contact should be their HR department.
If they can't get one through their HR department, they can either call the HD for campus delivery or come to the Onsite HD.
For campus delivery, individuals follow the same process as the HR Representatives (listed above).
Note: Remote staff must obtain tokens through their HR departments. DoIT will not ship tokens to remote workers unless their HR / IT department is unable or it is a time sensitive situation.
Obtain tokens at the Onsite HD (1210 W Dayton St).
May also obtain tokens at the pop-up MFA Duo help desk locations.
Students with disabilities can also visit or contact the McBurney Disability Resource Center to obtain a token.
Note: Students who need their security key or token mailed to them because they are unable to come into the HD or not physically located on campus can request a token to be mailed via the HD.