Signature Collection on Campus

This document describes how to use signature collection software on campus.

There is only one licensed and authorized signature collection tool for campus - DocuSign.

How can I get access to DocuSign?

How to Get Access to Docusign

What about Adobe Sign?

Adobe separated Sign from our Creative Cloud licensing in 2020 and it is now completely separate licensing. Campus does not have any current licensing for Adobe Sign. DocuSign is the only licensed signature collection tool.

I can access and use signature collection in Adobe Acrobat.

There are a couple of possibilities:

  • You may have a personal (non-UW) version of Acrobat installed.
  • We have also seen a few cases where UW users were still able to collect signatures with Sign. This is due to a bug and that access often goes away without notice. Nobody with a email address is licensed to use Adobe Sign and you should use DocuSign instead.

I have further questions about DocuSign and/or Adobe Sign.

Please contact or the DoIT Help Desk: Get Help from DoIT.

docusign adobe sign creative cloud signature esignature e-signature 
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Nick R. in DoIT Help Desk
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