DoIT Service Transition - How to Initiate, Modify or Decommission support for a service
How to Initiate, Modify, or Decommission support on a DoIT-supported service
Initiate, Modify or Decommission support for a (Technical) Service
DoIT services that are being deployed, or have been deployed, require Help Desk support, SNCC service management, Event Management and Monitoring, and entry into the Configuration Management Database (CMDB). A WiscIT Change Request should be created to initiate a request for the service’s support. Normally, a minimum of 10 business days are required from the first meeting with the Service Transition team (formerly known as "service discovery") until support can be completely set up.
A Technical Service is a process, application or technology that campus customers use.
Service Transition Components - diagram
This diagram shows the different components to Service Transition.
Process for Initiating Support - new or existing services
Process for Initiating Support - new or existing services
A request for Service Transition can be started either by
- sending an email to the Service Transition team to open a WiscIT Change Request ticket, or
- by opening the WiscIT Change Request yourself. Change Request Parameters:
- Category = Service Transition
- SubCategory = Service-Install
To create a Change Request ticket in WiscIT, or for your email to activate the process, you will need to supply the following information:
- Your name and contact information
- Name of the Service
- Non-technical description of the service
- Name of the Service Manager & his/her contact info
- Current status of the Service (does it exist now; is it in development; is it in pilot)
- Go-live date for starting support (if known)
- The Change Request for creating a support structure for your service will be reviewed by the Service Transition Team.
The WiscIT Change Request will trigger the Service Transition process. You will receive a questionnaire via a WiscIT email providing a Qualtrics link. Please complete the Qualtrics questionnaire to supply additional service information. If you have questions about any requested info on the questionnaire, please email the Service Transition team at
You also may be asked to meet with the Service Transition Team to provide more detailed information. The Service Transition Team meets Tuesdays from 1300-1400. Alternative day/time can be arranged to meet with you if needed.
Preparing to meet with the Service Transition team
You can prepare for the meeting with the Service Transition team by considering answers to the following:
- Recording assets, dependencies, and configuration item data in the DoIT Configuration Management Database (CMDB); names and contact info of the technologists or vendors who provide support for these configuration items, and whether high-risk data is stored by this IT service.
- Event Management and Monitoring and thresholds for escalation, notification methods and contact info for alerts
- Help Desk support needs and escalation paths (stakeholders’ names, team names, team members names and contact info) plus documentation.
- If you require Help Desk assistance in creating end user documentation, please allow for one additional day per document beyond the standard 10-day Service Transition process
- SNCC 24x7 support needs and escalation paths (stakeholders’ names, team names, team members names and contact info) during business hours, as well as outside of business hours. These are people who the 24x7 staff will contact for Problem and Outage escalation.
- IT Service Continuity of Operations (COOP) tier and needs, based on COOP Service Tier Definitions (section 8.2) or see DoIT Service Tier Definitions
- What date the Service will expect full support, i.e. its "go live" date.
The information will be contained in a WiscIT Change Request ticket, which you can track in the WiscIT Self-Service Portal. The result of this Change Request ticket will be entry into the WiscIT Service Catalog for your service (with Lifecycle = Operational) per your needs.
Typically your service can be supported in 10 business days from when you fully supply this information. Without this information, the Service Transition team cannot fully set up service support.
Process for Modifying Support - existing services
Process for Modifying Support - existing services
For architectural or technical modifications to services, create a WiscIT Change Request
- Category = Service Transition
- SubCategory = Service-Modify.

Small modifications to a service support arrangement, such as updated stakeholder or administrator names, only require you to inform Configuration Management via email at
What's in a Service Name?
What's in a Service Name?
Technical Service Names are used in different parts of DoIT for many purposes. If a service name needs to be updated, it may impact several functions and therefore require coordination from multiple groups, including:
- WiscIT functions
- WiscIT Configuration Mgmt Database (CMDB)
- Incident assignments
- Searches saved in WiscIT
- Team names in WiscIT
- Emails from WiscIT
- Dashboards
- various WiscIT scripts and email processes (e.g. automated ticket creation via email monitoring, etc.)
- API's
- Historical records and metrics for Changes/Incidents/Problems/Outages
- Change Request workflows (possible)
- the Outage Page(s)
- KB documents for
- Help Desk Handling documents (Internal)
- Help Desk Technical / Troubleshooting (Internal and External)
- Service Provider and application-specific help
- SEO-SNCC 24x7 support
- COOP references
- various DoIT and campus service catalogs and inventories. Example:
Please reference IT Service Naming Recommendations - KB 122378 for additional guidance on naming an IT service..
Process for Deactivating Support/Decommissioning services
Process for Deactivating Support/Decommissioning services
For deactivating service support, please create a WiscIT Change Request
- Category = Service Transition
- SubCategory = Service-Decommission
The Service Transition team handles the following areas of decommissioning a service's support:
- Help Desk incident handling and escalation
- Help Desk KB documentation
- Event Management and Monitoring
- SNCC 24x7 Problem and Outage escalation
- Status of the service's Configuration Items and their relationships in the CMDB
- COOP (Continuity of Operations)
NOTE: Service Transition does NOT handle server shutdown/decommissioning, IP-address reclamation, backup and storage decommissioning, or other tasks necessary for hardware or service decommissioning.
If you have questions about any part of the Service Transition process, please email the Service Transition team at