Telephone Activity Reports - General Information and Contact Information

This document lists and answers frequently asked questions about the Telephone Activity Reports.

**Please note that detailed reports for charges before May 2020 are no longer available due to a change in Telecom Management systems. 

The Telephone Activity Report is an electronic report detailing charges to your accounts. The information in your Telephone Activity Report (TAR) is grouped by Department ID. This section contains cost information by telephone number and details on all calls made during the billing period. Please note that the TAR is a report to list charges. It does not provide an inventory of telephone numbers. The summary follows the detail section for each general ledger number

To change the funding on an existing telephone number complete the DoIT Billing Telephone Funding form, Telephone Funding Change and Billing Information

Telephone Activity Report FAQ

  1. How do I become authorized to access the TAR? See Gaining Access to Place Telecom Orders and to View Telephone Activity Reports
  2. How do I view my TAR? See Telephone Activity Report - Viewing your monthly report
  3. How do I change the names associated with a line? Please send in an order request: Ordering telephone service (Cisco VoIP, Cellular/Mobile, Off-campus Landlines)
  4. What is the TAR website? Calero Pinnacle Website

Contact information

If you do not find the answers to your questions about the electronic Telephone Activity Reports in this FAQ, use the list below for additional assistance.

  1. For questions about non-cellular charges, please fill out this form.
  2. For questions about cellular charges, please fill out this form.
  3. For questions about general information, accessing, reading, printing, saving or emailing your electronic Telephone Activity Report, contact the DoIT Help Desk at 264-4357 or

KeywordsTelephone Activity Reports TAR general information info faq   Doc ID12171
OwnerJP G.GroupVoice Services
Created2009-09-15 19:00:00Updated2024-08-19 08:56:59
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Voice Services
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