Email Security - Subject Tagging

With the Enhanced Email Security project we are adding some new Subject tags to incoming messages. These Subject tags are specifically related to attachment scanning performed by the secure email gateway.

What are the new Subject tags?

[Attachment Removed] - Will be added to the Subject of any message where an attachment was removed by the secure email gateway. Please see Email Security - Executable Attachments for a complete list of file types that are removed before final delivery.

[Not Virus Scanned] - Will be added to the Subject of any message that contains an attachment where the scanning engine was unable to scan for viruses. This could be due to password protected attachment or some other scanning error. We recommend that you treat these attachments with caution.

Keywordsmicrosoft ms office365 o365 m365 email message external not virus scanned proofpoint phish attachment removed subject   Doc ID126804
OwnerO365 S.GroupMicrosoft 365
Created2023-03-22 11:37:25Updated2023-09-18 10:11:59
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Microsoft 365
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