Course Search & Enroll - "Unknown Error: Unable to drop courses" Error
This document explains the meaning of the "Uknown Error: Unable to drop courses" error message and how it can be resolved.
What it means:
When attempting to drop one or more courses in Course Search & Enroll, the drop attempt may fail and the student may be presented with this error.
This is typically related to a browser issue.
What to do:
Try opening Course Search & Enroll in a new private browsing window and attempt to drop the course(s) again.If that works, the browser issue is confirmed, and you can clear your cache and cookies by following the steps here: When clearing cache and cookies, please ensure that the time range selected is for "all time" and that the boxes for both cache and cookies are selected.
If that doesn't work, please contact the DoIT Help Desk for additional troubleshooting assistance. They will escalate to the Office of the Registrar if necessary.