EPM - Configuring Oracle 11g ODBC Driver

This document describes how to configure the Oracle 11g ODBC driver to create connections to EPM.


Once the ODBC driver is installed and tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora files are configured, users must specify connection settings for the ODBC driver in the 'Data Sources' administrative tool.

NOTE: This document only describes the process of configuring a System-level ODBC connection to EPM. Certain programs, such as Oracle SQL Developer, may require users to configure ODBC connections directly within the application. For help configuring ODBC in specific applications, please refer to the software vendor's documentation.


  1. Click on Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools

  2. Double-click Data Sources (ODBC) and select the System DSN tab.

  3. Click Add... and select the 'Oracle 11g' driver. If this driver does not appear in the list, Oracle 11g software may not have been installed correctly.

  4. Fill out the following fields:

    1. Data Source Name: Name used to identify data source.
    2. Description: A description of the data source.
    3. TNS Service Name: The name of the connection entry in tnsnames.ora (should auto-populate based on the contents of the file).
    4. User ID: The username assigned to you in one of the initial EPM authorization emails.

    Uncheck the box labeled Enable Query Timeout to prevent timeout errors on long queries. Click Test Connection. If you receive an error message, please refer to EPM - Common ODBC Errors for recommendations. Otherwise, click OK to save the connection.


tnsnames, tnsnames.ora, names, EPM, ODBC, Enterprise Performance Management, HRS, data warehouse, data, ora file, sqlnet, MS Access, access, tsnnames, tns, Oracle Database, database, database connection, configure 
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