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Library - WiscVPN not necessary to access restricted Library resources

Some Library resources may be restricted to on-campus users. Users located off-campus will need to authenticate via Remote Access/EZProxy in order to access these documents. Connecting via WiscVPN does not automatically give off-campus users access to these resources.


Even after connecting to WiscVPN, off-campus users will not able to access some restricted library resources without logging into Remote Access/EZProxy, as described in Library - Remote Access to Library Resources. Because not all WiscVPN users are authorized to access Library resources, simply connecting to WiscVPN does not guarantee access to restricted Library resources from off-campus.


Off-campus users will need to login using the Library's EZProxy to access restricted resources. Users will generally be redirected to the Library's Remote Access/EZProxy service when accessing resources through the Library resource menus, and should be prompted to login with their NetIDs. Once they have successfully logged in to the EZProxy, off-campus users will automatically be redirected to the resource they were trying to access.

More information about EZProxy is available at

wiscvpn access restricted library resources cisco vpn EZProxy e-reserves ereserves off-campus off campus 
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