Topics Map > Campus Services

goUW - Shortened and Vanity URLs

This document describes the goUW service and the process for requesting a vanity URL.

goUW is a web-based tool that allows users to shorten and brand UW-Madison-related URLs. This service is hosted by the College of Engineering at Anyone in the UW-Madison community may use this service to generate random URLs that redirect to longer URLs.

The ability to create a specific (or vanity) URL is usually reserved to the communications lead for the particular unit making the request. The reasons for this are several:

  • To make sure the department is aware of the URL
  • To ensure that the most popular terms are reserved for the primary service provider (e.g.,,, etc.)
  • To prevent misuse of UW-Madison branded terms
  • To enable any change that might be needed in the URL once it is assigned

If your unit has a communications lead and you want a vanity URL, please ask that person to assign it. Or, if they do not have assignment ability, have them contact Nate Moll ( in UW Communications to obtain it. If you do not have a communications lead, please contact Nate directly.

For questions that do not pertain to vanity URL assignments, contact Nick Weaver ( Nick also acts as the backup contact for vanity URL assignments in the event Nate Moll is unavailable. If Nick is unavailable, contact Tony Tallmadge (

Keywordsreferrals go uw url links shorteners generate generating redirect vanity custom tinyurl uw madison communications   Doc ID27541
OwnerBrian R.GroupDoIT Help Desk
Created2012-11-30 15:20:24Updated2022-01-06 10:00:10
SitesComputer-Aided Engineering, DoIT Help Desk
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