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Microsoft 365 - What account types are available in Microsoft 365?

There are multiple types of accounts available in Office 365:
NetID Account
The account type provisioned to an individual. The account is directly accessed via a single set of credentials (NetID and password). Users other than the primary user may be delegated access to this type of account. Delegates use their own NetID and password to access the account. Multiple email addresses may be associated with this account.
Service Account
Accounts that are intended to be used for shared/changing roles (info, secretary, webmaster, newsletter, feedback, etc) or service/programmatic access (printers, copiers, mailers). These accounts can be accessed via a linked NetID/password or by using the service account's direct username/password. Multiple email addresses may be associated with this account.
Resource Account
A resource account is non-person related account. Examples; meeting/conference rooms, audio-visual equipment, project, or vacation calendars. Users must be granted permissions to interact with a resource account.
Alternate Address
Any NetID or Service account may have any number of email addresses associated with it. These email addresses includes, but is not limited to, previous alias/alternates accounts and/or user/role/service accounts that have been consolidated with the NetID.
Microsoft Group account
Microsoft 365 Group is a service that works with the Microsoft 365 tools you use already so you can collaborate with your teammates when writing documents, creating spreadsheets, working on project plans, scheduling meetings, or sending email. In addition, you can connect a Teams account to your group and take advantage of all Teams features.

Does an Office 365 account work the same way for the owner of the account and any delegates?

It depends on the client used to access the account. For delegated users of the account; email, calendar and contacts are either not accessible or have reduced functionality via some clients.

Do Service Accounts work the same way as NetID Accounts?

Yes, for Office 365, the functionality of the accounts is identical. The only difference is that Service Accounts are typically accessed via delegation rather than direct log-in. Important: service accounts are only licensed for email, calendar, and contacts. See Microsoft 365 - Reduced access to services due to an affiliation change for more details.

Do service accounts have access to other NetID associated campus services?

It depends on the service. Please review the following document for complete details: Microsoft 365 - Applications that Microsoft 365 service accounts can access using NetID login.

Will the new calendaring system handle shared resources?

Yes. Please review the following document for complete details: Microsoft 365 - Getting Started with Resource Accounts.

I have multiple individual email addresses that I use for my work at the University. Will I still be able to use them? How will it work?

All faculty and staff have multiple email addresses, for example,, and, which they typically use for different purposes. Multiple email addresses may be associated with a single Office 365 account. Messages sent to any of the associated addresses will appear in the Office 365 account mailbox. Users will need to designate a "primary" address. The "primary" address will be the only address that appears in the Office 365 Global Address List(GAL). The "From" address of all messages sent from the account will be the Primary Address.

Associating all email addresses with an Office 365 NetID Account may not meet the needs of some users. In this case a user may be issued an Office 365 Service Account. Users may access this Service Account via delegation or directly via the Service Account's username and password.

I have both an individual email address and an address associated with my role at the university. Will I still be able to use both addresses? How will it work?

Yes. It is very common for faculty and staff to have one or more individual email addresses and one or more addresses associated with their role(s) at the University. For example, and "Role-based" addresses can be assigned to Office 365 Service Accounts. Users may access this Service Account via delegation or directly via the Service Account's username and password.

microsoft office365 o365 m365 microsoft 365 email addresses nonperson role alias users accounts address shared service linking linked alias netid o365 m365 microsoft 365 groups teams 
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