Kaltura - How to Change Publication Settings to Media in Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison]

This document provides directions on how to change publication settings to media in Kaltura MediaSpace.

Overview of publication settings

Publishing an item in MediaSpace designates where that item will be located and who will be able to view it. Media can be published as private, as unlisted, or to categories and/or channels. Categories are administrator-created containers. They are located in the navigation bar of mediaspace.wisc.edu. Channels are user-created collections that are personally managed. All channels can be accessed through the "Channels" link in the navigation bar, while your personal channels can be accessed by clicking the user icon (in the upper right), then "My Channels". Instructors who want to embed their content in Canvas don't need to worry about publishing settings. Using the embedding workflow automatically publishes your media to your Canvas course!

Publishing your media

Individual Media Publishing

  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox and go to Kaltura MediaSpace: mediaspace.wisc.edu. If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] .
  2. Click on your name or the person silhouette icon in the upper right corner and click My Media:
    Screenshot showing the user having clicked their user icon in Kaltura MediaSpace with the cursor hovering over the drop-down menu option "My Media".
  3. Search for or scroll until you find the video you want to edit. Click on the media item's thumbnail.
  4. Click on the Actions button and select +Publish
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura MediaSpace actions drop-down menu. The cursor is over the "+Publish" menu option which is outlined in orange.
  5. Choose your desired publish option:
    - content is only visible to owner, co-editor, and co-publisher
    - any user with the URL can view the video. Media cannot be both unlisted and published to a category/channel. 

    Be careful about publishing media as unlisted and sharing links to that media in Kaltura MediaSpace. Users can view the media but also share links and re-embed unlisted media. Do not use it with media with copyrighted material in it. This setting is often used to allow users to create oEmbeds that work with Pressbooks and WordPress which is safer than sharing links to unlisted media in MediaSpace.

    Published - content is accessible based on the permission of the designated category or channel.
  6. Click Save to set that option. You may change these publication settings (alternatively called entitlements) at any time.
    A screenshot showing the Kaltura MediaSpace publishing options. A "5" is next to options for "Private", "Unlisted", and "Published". A "6" is next to the "Save" button.

Bulk publishing

  1. Launch Chrome or Firefox and go to Kaltura MediaSpace: mediaspace.wisc.edu. If you need more information on how to log in to MediaSpace please see Kaltura - How to Log in to Kaltura MediaSpace [UW-Madison] .
  2. Click on your name or the person silhouette icon in the upper right corner and click My Media.
  3. Select the check boxes to the left of each media item you want to publish; selecting the check box at the top of the page will check all items.
  4. Follow steps 4 through 6 in the above directions.

KeywordsKaltura publication settings mediaspace video file media space publish learn learn@uw private privacy unlisted restrict require login permissions permission rights media   Doc ID42488
OwnerLearn@UW MadisonGroupLearn@UW-Madison
Created2014-08-05 11:26:09Updated2024-01-02 12:14:28
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Learn@UW-Madison
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