Topics Map > Office 365

Microsoft 365 - What version of Microsoft Office/Outlook am I using?

This document describes how you can determine the version of Office you have installed on your computer. These instructions assume you already have an Outlook profile/account configured. If you do not have Outlook configured, you can substitute Outlook with any of the other Office applications in the steps below.


  • Support for Office 2016 and Office 2019 on October 14, 2025.  After that date, no further updates, security fixes, or technical support will be available for these versions of Office. While the applications may continue to function, using unsupported software could lead to potential security risks and other issues. Because migrations can take time, we recommend starting to upgrade any remaining devices your organization has running Office 2016 or Office 2019 to a supported version as soon as possible.
  • Preview and Beta Software in M365 - The Preview channel for Microsoft 365 apps and any pre-release clients are considered use at your own risk. At this time UW-Madison Microsoft 365 Service Team is unable to offer support for unreleased versions of client software. If you wish to use pre-release software and contact the DoIT Help Desk for support, you will be asked to reinstall the current version of the software before any troubleshooting and assistance can be provided. Please contact Microsoft directly by using the feedback feature inside of the client if you wish to provide feedback directly.

Windows OS

  1. Start Word or any other Microsoft Office application.
  2. On the File menu, click Office Account or Account.
  3. Under Product Information, you'll see the general version of Office installed on your computer.
    Microsoft 365 product information
    This version was downloaded/installed from your Office 365
    subscription - you must have an active Microsoft 365 subscription
    to run this version.
    Office Product Information
    This version was downloaded/installed from Campus Software Library (CSL).
  4. For complete version, click About Outlook/Word. A new window will appear. The top will display the build information and if the client is 32- or 64-bit.

    detailed version

  5. Click left arrow to return to Outlook/Word.

Mac OS

  1. Start Outlook/Word or any other Microsoft Office application.
  2. From the Outlook menu on the Apple menu bar, select About Outlook.
  3. You will be presented with the 'About Outlook/Word' screen:
    Microsoft 365 product information
    This version was downloaded/installed from your Office 365
    subscription - you must have an active Office 365 ProPlus
    to run this version.
    Mac version from campus software library
    This version was downloaded/installed from Campus Software
    Library (CSL).
  4. Click red X to return to Outlook/Word.