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Microsoft 365 - Getting Started with Resource Account Permissions

Microsoft 365 resource accounts can be configured so that other user or service accounts can interact with it. Resource accounts are mainly used for calendaring workflows.

Important: To better understand Microsoft 365 permission levels, please see Mail and Calendar folder permission levels.

This document will provide you with the basic information you will need to either grant permissions to resource accounts or use the permissions granted to you for a resource account. If you are looking to grant or use permissions regarding a user or service account, please see our documentation here: Getting Started with User and Service Account Permissions.

Granting Permissions

Important - By default, when a resource is created:

  • NO ONE can work on behalf of the resource (create events on behalf of the calendar), including the primary owner.
  • ANYONE can schedule/invite this resource. The event will show up within the resource calendar, but will require approval.

Depending on the workflow you are attempting to configure, you may need to adjust the following settings.

Scheduling options/settings

As an owner of a resource calendar, one of your first responsibilities is to set the required options/settings/permissions for the resource. Some of the things you can configure for your resource include the available hours, the length of the events, who can schedule with the resource, and if events are automatically processed, among others.

Microsoft 365 - Configure Resource Scheduling Options/Settings/Permissions

Sharing options/settings

In addition to being able to configure settings for the resource, including who is allowed to schedule with the resource (for more information, see the above section), you can also grant users permissions to the resource, allowing them to view/edit the resource or otherwise act on behalf of it.

Microsoft 365 (Outlook on the web | Outlook for Windows/Mac) - Manage Permissions to a Resource Calendar

Using Permissions

Schedule (invite)

View/Edit (work on behalf-of)

Access published calendar

office o365 m365 microsoft 365 microsoft shares sharing access rights read write editor delegate full mailbox free busy folders calendars emails owner netid users mailboxes service accounts linking send as on behalf of subscribe open opening subscribing resources 
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