UW-Madison Google Workspace - Create an ad-free Programmable Search Engine

Google Programmable Search Engine (PSE) lets you include a search engine in your UW-Madison WordPress site to help your visitors find the information they're looking for. Learn how to remove ads from your search engine below.

Create a new Programmable Search Engine

  1. Go to https://programmablesearchengine.google.com and select Get Started located on the top right corner.

  2. Enter your netid@wisc.edu email address and select Next.

  3. Enter your netid credentials when prompted.

    • (Optional) If presented with multiple accounts, select the preferred account.
  4. Follow the steps provided by Google for creating a Programmable Search Engine using the Control Panel.

  5. Assign the Google admin account, gsteam-pse_admin.wiscmail@wisc.edu, as an owner to be offered the option to disable ads in 1 business day.

    • Note: If the Google admin account is not assigned the owner role, the option to disable ads will not be available.

  6. Done.

Remove ads from an existing Programmable Search Engine

If you already created a Programmable Search Engine using your UW-Madison Google account and would like to remove ads, please follow the steps below:

  1. Add the Google Admin account, gsteam-pse_admin.wiscmail@wisc.edu, as an owner to your search engine.

    • Note: If the Google admin account is not assigned the owner role, the option to disable ads will not be available.
  2. Wait 1 business day.

  3. Disable ads.

  4. (Optional) Remove the Google Admin account.


Google Programmable Search Engine support documentation