Go to https://programmablesearchengine.google.com and select Get Started located on the top right corner.
Enter your netid@wisc.edu email address and select Next.
Enter your netid credentials when prompted.
Follow the steps provided by Google for creating a Programmable Search Engine using the Control Panel.
Assign the Google admin account, gsteam-pse_admin.wiscmail@wisc.edu, as an owner to be offered the option to disable ads in 1 business day.
Note: If the Google admin account is not assigned the owner role, the option to disable ads will not be available.
If you already created a Programmable Search Engine using your UW-Madison Google account and would like to remove ads, please follow the steps below:
Add the Google Admin account, gsteam-pse_admin.wiscmail@wisc.edu, as an owner to your search engine.
Wait 1 business day.
(Optional) Remove the Google Admin account.