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UW-Madison Qualtrics - Preserving your data

Audience: Individuals leaving UW-Madison.

You are encouraged to classify your surveys and the response data into two categories:

Data type:

  • Personal
  • University

Note: If you are a researcher, please refer to the policy on data stewardship, access, and retention for guidance on how to manage research data.

Backup personal data

  1. Export/import surveys: You can export personal Qualtrics surveys to your computer or export/import surveys to your personal (non UW-Madison) Qualtrics account.
  2. Please note, you will need to create a personal Qualtrics account before importing content from your UW-Madison Qualtrics account. Free personal Qualtrics accounts are available with limitations.

    Learn more:

Transfer ownership of University surveys

While Qualtrics surveys can be shared with multiple users and groups, a survey can only be owned by a single account. If the account that owns the survey is deactivated the survey will not be accessible to collaborators or respondents.

  1. Survey owner

  2. Before you leave the University, you are encouraged to transfer ownership of your survey(s) to another UW-Madison Qualtrics user.

    To transfer ownership of your survey, you will need to submit your request to UW-Madison Brand Qualtrics Administrators.

    UW-Madison Qualtrics - Transfer ownership of your survey.

  3. Collaborators

  4. Collaborators need to contact the survey owner to initiate transfer of ownership. Survey owners must approve any request to transfer ownership of their survey(s).

qualtrics students faculty staff leaving dropout withdraw quit fired data project directories uw madison backup transfer data folders files ownership personal retention policy university department preserve institutional  
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Admin Q. in Qualtrics
DoIT Help Desk, UW-Madison Qualtrics Survey Hosting