Finding Excluded Contacts in a Campaign

If your sent campaign says you have a great deal of excluded contacts, here's how you find out more.
  1. Open the email campaign by going to Orchestration > Campaigns and navigating to the activated campaign (send) that had a lot of exclusions. You must go to the campaign, not the email or segment.

  2. You will see a red bar with the number excluded in the upper right corner. Click View Participants.


  3. In the window that pops up, click ExcludedThen scroll all the way to the right to see the error messages in the Status column.


  4. Here are the different exclusion statuses and what they mean:

    Status Definition Next Steps
    Error occurred while sending email     Indicates an issue was encountered with the email itself; for example, you did not define the signature rule for an email containing a signature layout.     Open your email and fix any personalization or rule-based content that may be causing issues, such as dynamic content, field merges or signature rules. If you cannot figure it out, contact and outline your issue.
    Excluded from Email: Bounceback     Contact was marked as a hard bounceback at the time this campaign was activated.     The email address may be invalid.

    If the contact is a UW email address, it may be a result of an Eloqua email being sent with a non email address. If you sent an email from the wrong subdomain, please email  ASAP, so the process to fix it can begin immediately.   A UW email address may be able to reset. If it's a non-UW address, it cannot be reset.
    Excluded from Email: 
    Distribution List or Brochure Resend    
    The email has been sent to this contact previously.      Remember, Eloqua will not let you send the exact same email to the same contact twice.

    If you want to try to resend your message as a new email to a new segment of your excluded contacts, please see Eloqua - Resending an email to excluded contacts.
    Excluded from Email: Email Address Error     An invalid email address exists in the contact's contact record.     Correct the invalid email address.
    Excluded from Email: Global Exclude     Contact appears on Eloqua's Global Exclude list. Contacts on this list are excluded from all segments across the entire system.     If this is a UW address, this  is a mistake. Please contact  to have this fixed.
    Excluded from Email: Unsubscribe     Contact has opted to unsubscribe from the Email Group specified for this campaign, or they are Globally Unsubscribed.     The contact has opted out of the email group you classified your email as. Subscription management is working as it should.

    If this is your own address or a teammate's address, please contact and ask to have your address reset. Make sure your email's settings are correct and you are test sending correctly to prevent this from happening again.

  5. If you would like more flexibility, you can export the data by clicking the Export button in the bottom left corner. It will send you a link to download the export once it's done. (Don't forget to open the link in Firefox by right-clicking the blue Download button in your email and selecting Copy Link.)

  6. If you realized your excludes are due to sending your email with the wrong Sender Email Address. (You did   not send the email from an address.), please contact  as soon as possible, so they can unblock the UW addresses you sent to  and others can send to those contacts.

Keywordsexcluded exclude contact campaign participant list segment wrong address error   Doc ID109951
OwnerRyan S.GroupEloqua Marketing Automation
Created2021-03-26 15:47:13Updated2023-12-13 18:01:07
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Eloqua Marketing Automation
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