EMS Configuration

This article will inform you on how to configure the EMS server and Database. This is a common issue for users who have received a new computer

EMS Client - Server and Database names and log-in credentials

This document will tell you what needs to be entered in for the Server and Database names for the EMS Client.

If you have recently recieved a new computer from the Help Desk your EMS may need to be configured.  It will look like what is shown below:

Please use the following information:

Server: doitemssql.doit.wisc.edu\doitemssql

Database: EMSData_Housing

Once configured properly. It will then ask you the username and password assigned to you or your department.


KeywordsEMS,error,EMS,Event,Management,System   Doc ID84111
OwnerJames S.GroupDivision of University Housing
Created2018-07-18 13:27:37Updated2019-07-23 07:46:49
SitesUW Housing
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