Topics Map > Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

MFA-Duo - How to Register a Token/Fob

This document describes the process to register a MFA Duo token (also known as a fob).
Note: You will need to obtain a token before you can register it. For information on how to obtain a token, see MFA-Duo - What is a token/fob?. It is very important that you not press the token button repeatedly prior to registering your token. This may cause the token to become out of sync and you will not be able to register it.
  1. Go to

  2. Log in with your NetID and password.

  • Note: If you've already registered a device and are using MFA Duo, you'll be prompted to login with your NetID twice, then be prompted for MFA Duo.

  • Select the type of token that you have.

    MFA Portal token/fob section with two options: register or resynchronize a device

  • Enter the Token Serial Number in the appropriate field. The Token Serial Number may be entered with spaces/dashes or with numbers only; the format does not matter.

  • Making sure that the token's button is oriented to the left, press the button on the front of the token and enter the 6-digit passcode.

  • Click Register Duo Token/Fob.

  • The token will now be registered with your account.

  • Please note, if the token is the first MFA device you have registered, you'll will start being prompted for MFA.

Please note that one of the token images resembles a Yubikey token. While they may work, no support will be provided by the UW-Madison MFA project for Yubikey tokens.

See accessibility & usability information

We work with our users to address access and usability barriers in the MFA user experience. Learn details about known access barriers and workarounds at MFA-Duo - Accessibility & Usability Information. If you encounter a barrier or need assistance, please contact the DoIT Help Desk or call (608) 264-4357.

For questions regarding how to get access to the MFA mobile app contact the DoIT Help Desk at (608) 264-4357 or email

How to get access to a Security Key or Duo Token/Fob 


Students, to obtain a token/fob, please contact the DoIT Help Desk (608) 264-4357 or email Students with disabilities can also request a token or security key at the McBurney Disability Resource Center, 702 W. Johnson St., Suite #2104, Madison WI 53715 on the 2nd floor.

Faculty, Staff, and Researchers

Employees can get access to devices for MFA at their Human Resources Office or IT department. For questions contact the DoIT Help Desk at (608) 264-4357 or email 

fob keyfob key device authentication yubikey 
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DoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management