UW Digital ID - Customer - Identity Proofing

UW System sunsets Personal Digital Certificates (UW Digital ID) service for all system campuses and affiliates effective June 30, 2022. As of March 01, 2022, no new requests for individual Personal Digital Certificates (UW Digital ID) will be issued.

This document summarizes how to request identity proofing for a higher level of identity assurance for use with your local campus' multi-factor authentication solution.

Please Note: This identity proofing process is specific to UW Madison. If your local campus has its own Multi-factor Authentication you may have additional requirements. For more information click here.

  1. Log into the UW Digital ID application at http://uwdigitalid.wisconsin.edu/

  2. Click Request from the left hand menu

  3. Select the Identity Proofing option

  4. Verify your email address