UW Digital ID (Personal Certificate) - Decommission updates and next steps

As of June 30, 2022, UW Digital ID will be decommissioned because of low utilization across the state. This document provides more information about the service and what to do next.

Personal Digital Certificates After July 1, 2022

For teams and employees who still wish to utilize Personal Digital Certificates, please connect with your local department/divisional IT representative and follow your departmental purchasing practices for next steps on procuring a solution.

Local IT and procurement specialists will work with you to determine the best solution for your needs, such as purchasing directly from a vendor that will satisfy an individual's or group's needs.

March update email sent to UW Digital ID users

From: uwdigitalid2022@g-groups.wisc.edu
Sent: Thursday, March 17, 2022 9:10 AM
Subject: UW System sunsets Personal Digital Certificates (UW Digital ID) service for all system campuses and affiliates effective June 30, 2022

Sent by DoIT Communications on behalf of DoIT’s Identity and Access Management Team to current Digital ID users.

Dear Colleagues,

You are receiving this email because you are registered as someone who uses a Personal Digital Certificate (also known as UW Digital ID).

As of June 30, 2022, UW Digital ID will be decommissioned because of low utilization across the state. Several targeted communications will come out over the coming months as reminders of the decommission, along with notices placed on the:

  • Personal Digital Certificates (UW Digital ID) site
  • UW Digital ID Certificate Request
  • and corresponding KB articles

Why is this happening?

The UW Digital ID Certificate service provides secure/multipurpose internet mail extensions (S/MIME) certificates for digital signing and encryption (Sectigo is the current vendor). Today, fewer than 400 active certificates are leveraged by individuals and role-based accounts throughout the UW System.

What do I need to do?

If you are not currently using this product, no further action is needed at this time.

As of March 1, 2022, we will no longer fulfill new requests for individual Personal Digital Certificates (UW Digital ID).

You will be affected if you are currently utilizing the Personal Digital Certificates (UW Digital ID). If you or your teams are a user(s) of the Digital ID service and require a continued service solution, please connect with your local department/divisional IT representative and purchasing agent for guidance.

Thank you,

UW Digital ID Administration

Keywordsannouncements email messages service changes sunset end ending decommissioning decommissioned iam digitalid personal digital certificate uwdigitalid   Doc ID116737
OwnerTyler R.GroupIdentity and Access Management
Created2022-02-14 15:37:19Updated2023-03-27 10:42:42
SitesDoIT Help Desk, Identity and Access Management
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