************************************************************************ * Sample Bucky Backup dsm.sys configuration file * * Contact the DoIT Help Desk for Bucky Backup support ************************************************************************ * Comments are designated by asterisks. * Add an "*" in front of an option in order to disable it. * Remove the "*" in front of an option in order to enable it. ************************************************************************ ***************************** Server *********************************** ************************************************************************ * * Use this table to determine your server settings: * * Servername TCPSeveraddress TCPPORT * ---------- --------------- ------- * bl1 bl1.doit.wisc.edu 1501 * bucky1 bucky1.doit.wisc.edu 1499 * bucky2 bucky2.doit.wisc.edu 1500 * bucky3 bucky3.doit.wisc.edu 1501 * bucky4 bucky4.doit.wisc.edu 1502 * bucky5 bucky5.doit.wisc.edu 1503 * bucky6 bucky6.doit.wisc.edu 1504 ************************************************************************ * Specify the settings for the server you were assigned here: SErvername servername TCPServeraddress servername.doit.wisc.edu TCPPORT 1501 * Do not change COMMMETHOD COMMMETHOD TCPip *Replace your_node_name with the name of your Bucky Backup node. NODENAME your_node_name * The following two lines are options that are required for Criste TBMR * Remove the comments (*) if you are using Cristie TBMR * virtualmountpoint /dev * PRESchedulecmd /usr/bin/tbmrcfg -d /dev/sda * Attention: /dev/sda should be correct for most installations but be sure use the device your computer boots from ************************************************************************ **************************** STOP HERE ********************************* ************************************************************************ * The defaults specified below this point should work in most * situations. ************************************************************************ ************************************************************************ * Processing Options ************************************************************************ *------------- *The users option determines which users are authorized to use the Bucky *Backup client. *------------- USERS ROOT *------------- *The passwordaccess option determines if the password for the backup node *is encrypted and saved the backup client. * *If you do not save the backup node password, you will be prompted for it *each time the backup client connects to the server. *------------- passwordaccess generate *------------- *The resource utilization option defines how many concurrent sessions the *Bucky Backup client and server can use during processing. * *Values range from 1 through 10. *------------- resourceutilization 5 *------------- *The compression option compresses files before sending them to the server. *------------- COMPRESSION YES ************************************************************************ * Include/Exclude Options ************************************************************************ *------------- *The inclexcl option specifies the path and file name of an include-exclude *options file. *------------- INCLExcl /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/inclexcl ************************************************************************ * Logging Options ************************************************************************ *------------- *The errorlogname option determines the path of the error log * *The errorlogretention option specifies that log entries will be saved *for N number of days. *------------- ERRORLOGNAME /var/log/tsm/dsmerror.log ERRORLOGRETENTION 45 D *------------- *The schedlogname option determines the path of the scheduler log * *The schedlogretention option specifies that log entries will be saved *for N number of days. *------------- SCHEDLOGNAME /var/log/tsm/dsmsched.log SCHEDLOGRETENTION 14 D ************************************************************************ * Client Scheduler Options ************************************************************************ *Select either the CAD managed scheduler method or the traditional scheduler. *Only one method can be used. *------------- *The managedservices option is used with the CAD managed scheduler method * *Uncomment the managedservices option to use the CAD managed scheduler. *------------- *managedservices schedule *------------- *The schedmode option is used with the traditional scheduler method. * *Uncomment the SCHEDMODE option to use the traditional scheduler. *------------- SCHEDMODE POLLING *------------- *The queryschedperiod option is used with the traditional scheduler method. *It specifies the number of hours scheduler waits between contacting the server. * *Uncomment the QUERYSCHEDPERIOD when using the traditional scheduler. *------------- QUERYSCHEDPERIOD 4