/* Credentials */ %let epmuser=''; /* typically E */ %let epmpass=''; %let dwhpuser=''; /* typically your three letter login */ %let dwhppass=''; %let sfmrtuser=''; %let sfmrtpass=''; %let netid=''; /* your NetID, leave blank if you do not have access to Badger Analytics yet */ %let badgerdb='BAGP'; %let badgerschema='DM'; /* Connections */ %if %length(&epmuser) gt 0 and %length(&epmpass) gt 0 and &epmuser ne '' and &epmpass ne '' %then %do; libname EPM oracle user=&epmuser password=&epmpass path='EPM' schema='SYSADM'; %end; %if not(&dwhpuser eq '' or &dwhppass eq '') %then %do; libname DWHP oracle user=&dwhpuser password=&dwhppass path='DWHP' schema='UW'; %end; %if not(&sfmrtuser eq '' or &sfmrtpass eq '') %then %do; libname SFMRT oracle user=&sfmrtuser password=&sfmrtpass path='SFMRT' schema='UWPROD'; %end; %if %length(&netid) gt 0 and &netid ne '' %then %do; %let badgerusr=%sysfunc(cat(%str(%qsysfunc(dequote(&netid))), @wisc.edu)); libname BAGPDM sasiosnf uid=&badgerusr server='laa66896.us-east-1.snowflakecomputing.com' conopts='authenticator=externalbrowser' warehouse='BI_DVLP_SM' database=&badgerdb schema=&badgerschema; %end; /* Any custom connections you want can go down here - syntax can be found in SAS documentation, but typically follows this structure: libname user='' password=''; Refer to the above examples for specifics on connecting to Oracle or Snowflake. */