ECMS - Hyland CaptureNow License Types as of December 2014

This document explains the current CaptureNow licenses for Hyland Perceptive Content.

[Doc 8386 content is unavailable at this time.]

CaptureNow License Types as of December 2014

*Note that as of 10-1-2021 Hyland has indicated they will shift to a purely subscription licensing model, this includes capturenow licenses. New pricing is not available as of 8-30-2021.

The following table shows the CaptureNow license and Fujitsu scanners that can be used with Perceptive Content, using information current as of December, 2014. This KB will be updated if new information becomes known. Lexmark will no longer maintain a Scanner Recommendation document. This document serves that purpose.

*Please note, the initial purchase cost and first year SMSA are the responsibility of the department. Subsequent years of SMSA are covered by the ECMS service.

Focus here for your new Imaging scanner needs Historical use / Assess carefully for new Imaging scanners Special use cases only

Lexmark CaptureNow
Req. Capture License per 09/2014 Perceptive Software Scanner Options Guide Features
& Notes
CaptureNow License Pricing Fujitsu Desktop Scanners from 09/2014 PerceptiveSoftware Scanner Options Guide Fujitsu Workgroup Scanners from 09/2014 PerceptiveSoftware Scanner Options Guide Fujitsu Production Scanners from 09/2014 PerceptiveSoftware Scanner Options Guide License Token Type
CaptureNow Adrenaline ---- For Fujitsu scanners with Kofax Adrenaline. $1495.00 plus 18% SMSA* NA NA NA 17
Fujitsu scanners manufactured before Dec 2013.
Has Image Processing capabilities such as de-spceckle and de-skew.
Has VRS Page re-scan ability that PaperStream IP does NOT.
CaptureNow PSIP TWAIN aka CaptureNow PSIP For Fujitsu scanners with PaperStream Image Processing (PSIP) $1495.00 plus 18% SMSA* fi-7160/fi-7260 fi-7180/fi-7280/fi-5530c2 fi-6670/fi-6770/fi-5959c/fi-6800 72
Fujitsu scanners manufactured on or after January 2014
Has Image Processing capabilities such as de-speckle and de-skew.
CaptureNow ISIS Level 1 ---- Does NOT have Image Processing capabilities such as de-speckle and de-skew. $395.00 plus 18% SMSA* fi-7160/fi-7260 13
CaptureNow ISIS Level 2 ---- ---- $1495.00 plus 18% SMSA* fi-7180/fi-7280/fi-5530c2 fi-6670/fi-6770
CaptureNow ISIS Level 3 ---- ---- $1995.00 plus 18% SMSA*
CaptureNow TWAIN ---- Does NOT have Image Processing capabilities such as de-speckle and de-skew. $395.00 plus 18% SMSA* fi-7160/fi-7260 fi-7180/fi-7280 ---- ----
CaptureNow File with IP Processing ---- Supports importing scans from any file system $195.00 plus 18% SMSA* ---- ---- ---- ----

Imaging Imaging System Experience ImageNow perceptive content ecm ecms enterprise content management imaging imagenow perceptive capturenow capture adrenaline psip twain 
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Dave T. in ECMS
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