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Creating Student Feedback Videos
Instructional Challenge
In the article Assessing Teaching Presence in a Computer Conferencing Context, Anderson, et al. defines the role of instructors as consisting of three types:
- designer of the educational experience, including planning and administering instruction as well as evaluating and certifying competence
- facilitator and co-creator of a social environment conducive to active and successful learning; and
- subject matter expert who knows a great deal more than most learners and is thus in a position to scaffold learning experiences by providing direct instruction.
As you find yourself teaching, there are methods and techniques you can use to build the online presence you need to facilitate that social environment that encourages student learning. This document focuses on creating instructor response videos to build on comments or questions during synchronous meetings.
Elements of Student Feedback Videos
During the semester, students may feel they are not getting enough engagement with you. A close look at your course, however, might reveal some ways you are providing them feedback and guiding learning, including written comments on assignments or responses to discussion posts. You may have spent time providing this feedback, only to find that students still feel a lack of connection to you. Student feedback videos are one approach you can consider to provide feedback in ways that build a stronger connection with students, increase your online presence, and may save you time in the long run.
Example: Individual Student Feedback Video
As students submit assignments, you can increase your online presence by recording a video instead of typing a response. In some cases, it may take less time to do, and it will give students a better sense that you are invested in their learning. Additionally, they will get more visual and non-verbal cues that may be missed from a typed response. The video below demonstrates something you can create within the Kaltura WebCam Recording tool found under the Apps or More External Tools tools on the Canvas toolbar.
Show Screen Shot

Recording Tip: The tool has a Record Again feature. As you record, if you make a mistake, stop, gather your thoughts, and start over. The goal isn't perfection. The casual nature of this kind of video is what you are trying to achieve.
Example: General Student Feedback Video
For some, particularly those with large courses, you may not have the time to provide individual feedback to every student, but you want to find a way to engage more with your students. If this is the case, you may consider creating a general feedback video that summarizes the results of an assignment. As you grade or review an assignment, make notes or a bulleted list of the points you want to include in the video. You can use the Canvas Announcement or Discussion post to deliver the video. You can use the Kaltura WebCam Recording tool to create the video found under the Apps or More External Tools tools on the Canvas toolbar.
Show Screen Shot

Recording Tip: The tool has a Record Again feature. As you record, if you make a mistake, stop, gather your thoughts, and start over. The goal isn't perfection. The casual nature of this kind of video is what you are trying to achieve.