Topics Map > Inclusive Teaching > Universal Design
Topics Map > Technology Integration > Kaltura MediaSpace

Making course video content accessible

Kaltura MediaSpace – Enabling Machine Captioning

When instructors create videos in their courses, this content must be made accessible. You can now use Kaltura to caption these materials using their Machine MediaSpace Captioning service. Kaltura MediaSpace machine captions are generated free of charge by computer-based speech recognition and can help make your media more accessible. Based on testing, Kaltura MediaSpace machine captioning is approximately 75% accurate and should only be used when you have time to edit and verify their accuracy.

To learn more, refer to this KnowledgeBase document.  Editing captions in Kaltura

Keywordsvideo, audio, content, students, accessible, accessibilityDoc ID121193
OwnerTimmo D.GroupInstructional Resources
Created2022-09-09 08:43:45Updated2024-08-23 15:43:19
SitesCenter for Teaching, Learning & Mentoring
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